ServeMeBest is looking for partners worldwide. If your organization is in the customer care quality business, please contact us to explore a partnership opportunity.
In particular, we are seeking channel partners to resell our services. If you market IT services in the area of PBX, IVR, CRM, Quality Management and the Customer Experience, our technology can make a valuable addition to your portfolio.
Target sectors include utilities, travel, hospitality, logistics, telecoms, finance and government. Existing channel partners range from small consultancies to global corporations. Join us today.
- Unique, innovative and patented services
- Proven demand from both organisations and consumers
- Cloud service with recurring licence revenue
- Backed by world’s first Customer Service Transparency Standard
- Strong marketing proposition
- Attractive revenue share
We welcome the opportunity to partner with suitable organizations. Please use the form below to indicate the type of partnership and your contact details. We’ll get back to you quickly.